marți, 1 decembrie 2009

Fuck physical, let's caress each others spirit...

"Fuck physical, let's caress each others spirit...." this is one of the most powerful thing i ve recently have heard from a man( well just by now i heard more powerful things than that but ima talk but that some other time!!) from a song....but hearin it, comin from a man makes me wonder if there are still those kinda men left out there....I wanna believe they are, it s kinda comforting to think and believe that, I will find you, when the time's gon be right.

Ma sista once told me, "God wanned u to see that b4, he tried desperately to make u see it in the purest way possible THROUGH LOVE...."
When I say LOVE I mean LOVE ....I have so many things to say about this....
see there are 2 kinds of love...or at least this is wat i have experienced in my past yrs, the physical love and the spiritual love let's just categorize them like this...
The physical love - hurts, changes u , dependent, obsessive, crazy, lust, boring, limited, aggressive, ignorant, dying, smile, sex, fear, jealousy, body,
The spiritual love - doesn't hurt, feels right, feelin our souls, seeing our souls, connection for life, feeling safe, secure yet independent, happy, laughs, LOVE, touchin my soul, spirit, mind, feeling u even from far, knowing u gon love me till the day u die and knowing ima love u wit all my heart till the day imma die!
Few words to describe it but enough to know the difference and to understand....what i meant.
God wanned me to kno this but still I couldn't allow myself to be selfish and just dont think bout you how much I would hurt you and just think HOW MUCH HAPPINESS HE WOULD BRING....
He still does, the spiritual love lives in us, inside us he is feeding himself with my love I feel he is taking from it but I have so much to offer that he can take as much as he wants bcause all that he s givin back is more. Take it and don't question it! receive the love and dont question how was sent, that the purest way to LOVE......

Thank you God for allowin me to find out what spiritual love is, blessed

2 comentarii:

  1. genial! te iubesc! e asa frumos sa te citesc asa sincera, pura, asa cum esti tu de fapt:D
    secure yet independent!!! u spoke the absolute truth ma sistaaaaaaaaaaaa>:D< genial zisa
    You are Blessed! I am. WE ARE!
    Thank You God for everythin u give us and allow us to be and feel!
    Te iubesc!>:D<

  2. Pfffff thank you!! im so blessed to have u close to me and we are so blessed to be together in everything sometimes we dont even realize how lucky we are!!! >:D< YES thank you God for everythin!!! te iubesc>:D<
