vineri, 23 octombrie 2009

So guess wat?? I am free now!!! I would like to screaaaaamm it cuz i wanned it so bad, but i can't cuz it happend so like I was in a tree from were I couldn't get down, and guess wat?? The tree WAS CUT!!! Why do I say CUT?? Cuz that's how it all am fost data frumos jos din pom de omul care a zis ca m-a iubit 5 ani de zile...oh no...actually he preferred to cut the tree off my feet oh that's one hella of a man !!! I love the fact that I always had a thing for this half men.....I don't know maybe is from a problem of mine to attract this men....or maybe it was written on my face u half man? ohhh I love u :)) lol
Well I still cannot believe how things happen when you break up, how u cannot have the courage to come n tell to my face: I wanna be free! But instead to tell all those bullshit that u know I accepted all this years cuz no matter how u were, I just accepted the way u are....CUZ I LOVED U !! yes I did maybe not as much as you THOUGHT u love me but trust me only half of the love i can give is more that all the love u have inside!
Is funny how things happen in life....but the sun is shinin after all this time and even though I have a lot of baggage after this relationship....Im happy Im happy with me and if you chose to be without me I CHOSE TO BE WIT ME! cuz i love me :D and this is the only compromise ima do wit ma life and men.....


Imma take my lexus to the mall
Get a little black dress just because
Me and my boo just broke it off
Imma be fly although hes gone
And i dont really care bout who he's with
Imma get mine and he'll get his
Even though i was in love with him,
I really hope the best for them

Every sentimental and my crying sacrimental
Tell me what i cant get into
I cant lose my mind
Think its time for me to let go
Cause my heart cant take it no more
You were all i lived for but i'll leave you behind

Imma be ok
Imma be ok
I'll survive, i'll be fine, i wont cry no way
Imma be ok
Imma be ok
Dont you talk, i'll move on, baby walk away

Imma keep my head up, hold it high
Really did my best i know you tried
Even though it hurts i will survive
I'll wipe my eyes, i'll stay alive
Take a deep breath and count to 10
Today's a new day i'll start again,
Imma find myself so deep within
Imma survivor i will win

Every sentimental and my crying sacrimental
Tell me what i cant get into
I cant lose my mind
Think its time for me to let go
Cause my heart cant take it no more
You were all i lived for but i'll leave you behind

Imma be ok
Imma be ok
I'll survive, i'll be fine, i wont cry no way
Imma be ok
Imma be ok
Dont you talk, i'll move on, baby walk away

Love ma sistaz n ma grls>:D<>:D<

joi, 22 octombrie 2009

A new life....

De mult vroiam sa-mi scriu trairile un as vrea sa le citesti as vrea sa iti zic ca sunt bineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee si sa te bucuri pentru mine asa cum ma bucur eu pentru tine ca esti bine.....dar stiu ca nu te vei bucura ..... si vei zice " parca te bucuri ca scapi de mine" . Tu ai pornit tot acest proces si iti multumesc!!!!!!!! doamne iti multumesc k m-ai ajutat sa realizez ca nu te iubeam cum stiu si pot eu sa iubesc! as fi vrut sa fac asta cu tine ca meritai meriti sa te iubesc cum pot eu sa iubesc......dar nu mai vrei, e prea tarziu si stiu asta si iti respect dorinta si decizia....
In acelasi timp in care simt asta...sunt happy....sunt happy ca mi-am gasit A NEW REASON TO LIVE!!!!!!!! sunt happy k am atatiia oameni care sunt langa mine si ma iubesc asa cum sunt eu sunt happy k o am p sis:X fara de care poate eram in paragina inca cativa ani de acum incolo dar stii ca sunt ma ridic imediat! Doamne am atatia oameniii care cred in mine si tu nu ai putut nici macar o data sa o faci......din contra mi ai taiat toate sperantele care le din pacate ti-am facut si eu acelasi lucru tie insa eu regret si imi fac mustrari de constiinta p aceasta tema dar tu? oare te gandesti cum ma gandesc eu? oare ai realizat si tu unde ai gresit si te gandesti k m-ai lasat cu sechele? Eu o nu ma ajuta cu nimic si nu imi face nici un fi vrut sa ma lasi sa cred in as fi vrut sa crezi in mine....totusi e un sentiment frumos cu care terminam.....simt k te am iubit enorm si ca voi simti tot timpul ceva pentru tine.
Dar DE MAINE NU MA VOI GANDI LA ASTA!!! Am atateaaa sa pregatesc vreau sa plec sa imi indeplinesc visele pe care tu nu le-ai aprobat si pe care tu nu ai crezut vreodata ca le voi realiza!!! Nu vreau sa iti demonstrez tie nimic IMI VOI DEMONSTRA MIE ca pot si ca pot sa imi revin si sa fac asta!!! m-am regasit dupa atata timp in care ma pierdusem si e minunattt sentimentul! POT SA MISC MUNTII DIN LOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC aia eee !!!!
sper macar un sfert din oameni sa simta macar un sfert din ceea ce simt eu acum!!!!! e minunat sa te regasesti dupa asemenea soc! I love all ma grl!!!!